In our daily lives, with the many activities we have to face, sometimes we may forget something that we do in our daily routine, such as forgetting the house key, forgetting the phone, or forgetting where we put our glasses. These symptoms may not seem unusual, but if they happen frequently, it means that we are at risk of forgetfulness, a sign of Alzheimer disease.

Dementia is a gradual decline in brain function. This results in abnormalities in thoughts, memory, reasoning, and communication, as well as personality changes or abnormalities. In some cases, there may be mood swings, stress ทางเข้า ufabet, depression, alienation, resistance, and social withdrawal. It usually occurs in people over 65 years of age. However, dementia can also occur in younger people from 30 to 65 years of age.
Dementia in younger people is starting to be found more, reaching 6.9% of all dementia patients. Most patients are working age. Therefore, it is often seen as just a matter of stress or depression from work. Therefore, they do not notice any abnormalities and neglect to think that it is not dangerous until it becomes a silent danger that they do not realize.
Sign of Alzheimer disease, which is mainly cause by 5 factors:
Lack of rest leads to forgetfulness: If you do not get enough rest for several days in a row or sleep less than 7-8 hours, your brain will work hard continuously until you become tired, causing you to lose concentration, get irritat easily, and become forgetful.
Stressful brain conditions: It’s not just stress. Negative feelings that affect the senses, such as anxiety or sadness, also cause an impact on memory. Because when we are in these conditions, the brain releases more neurotransmitters than usual, resulting in memory problems. In addition, there is also a risk of insomnia.
Alcohol causes temporary memory loss: Drinking a lot of alcohol or drinking it every day affects the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is involve in memory. The functioning of this part of the brain is reduce, causing forgetfulness during times when alcohol is consum, making some people unable to remember what happened during that time.
Some diseases and medications have unexpected side effects: Some diseases can indirectly affect brain function, such as obesity. High blood fat will cause brain dysfunction and can affect memory. In addition, some drug treatments have side effects on brain function, such as sedatives or blood fat-lowering drugs.
Physical changes are hard to avoid: It is a cause that is Alzheimer disease especially in older age groups, from 45 years and up. Memory may have minor problems. Although it is difficult to prevent, taking care of yourself appropriately for your age can help maintain the body’s condition to deteriorate as slowly as possible, such as eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.