Many people may be familiar or often hear that Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly, but may not have thought that osteoporosis is the beginning of many other diseases, especially the elderly who have slipped or fallen, which may result in the collapse of the spine from osteoporosis (Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture). It may also be cause by using incorrect postures, including accidents, which may also result in the collapse of the spine.

Symptoms: Most of the collapsed vertebrae occur at the junction between the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae (thoracolumbar junction). Causing patients to often have back pain in the upper lumbar region. In most cases, collaps vertebrae from osteoporosis does not cause nerve compression. Which will cause patients to only have back pain. However, in some patients, there may be nerve compression, which may cause pain radiating down the leg, leg numbness, leg weakness, ทางเข้า ufabet and difficulty urinating or defecating.
Back pain after spinal fusion is usually quite severe. The pain is often not relieve by taking paracetamol. And the pain is often worsen by body movement, such as turning over in bed while lying down. Or changing position from lying down to sitting or sitting to standing.
Initial treatment includes:
- Rest by limiting activities. Let the patient rest in the early stages and stand, sit, stand, and walk only when necessary. Such as standing, sitting, eating, standing, walking to the bathroom, etc.
- Wearing a suitable back support. Generally, it must be long from the hip to the shoulder to support the broken bone. And reduce the movement of the broken bone. This will reduce pain and reduce further collapse of the spine. It should be worn at all times when doing activities, such as standing, sitting, standing, walking, etc. It can be remove when sleeping or taking a shower.
- Give painkillers so that the patient can perform necessary daily activities.
- Give calcium and vitamin D to help the bones heal.
- Give the hormone Calcitonin in the form of a nasal spray, which will help reduce pain from a fractured spine. It also helps in the healing of the bones
- In addition, patients should exercise their arms and legs by moving them all the time, even while lying down. To reduce muscle atrophy from less use and help with blood circulation. They should also exercise their lungs by taking long, deep breaths to prevent collapsed lungs from sleeping for a long time.
In general, the pain will improve within 2-4 weeks. Patients will be able to do their daily lives and the pain will disappear within 3 months. Which is the time it takes for the bones to connect.