Obesity may increase the risk of developing health complications such as high blood pressure. hyperlipidemia Respiratory problems, asthma, irregular menstruation Bone pain, joint pain, back pain, osteoarthritis, gallbladder stones, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, stroke. Various cancers to more serious and chronic health problems.
In addition, obesity can lead to mental health problems that can affect lifestyle, such as a lack of self-confidence. Feeling lonely, introverted, isolated, relationship problems, social problems, study, work, or may lead to depression.

Obesity prevention.
Caused by consumption behavior and lifestyle It can be prevented by controlling your diet and controlling your eating habits. Such as eating fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy food. High in fat or high in sugar Drink water instead of sugary drinks or soft drinks UFABET . Exercise properly. Including always weighing in order to control the weight within the normal range.
Cause of obesity
Can be caused by many factors. whether it is consumption behavior Lifestyle behavior, heredity, age, medical factors that may affect. including other external factors such as the environment or economic status.
Obesity is a condition in which the body accumulates too much or more fat than the body can metabolize. It causes health problems such as fatigue easily, difficulty breathing, making activities more difficult, loss of confidence to other serious diseases that may occur after obesity.