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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Caused by 5 factors: Sign of Alzheimer disease.

In our daily lives, with the many activities we have to face, sometimes we may forget something that we do in our daily routine, such as forgetting the house key, forgetting the phone, or forgetting where we put our glasses. These symptoms may not seem

The silent danger of Spinal Denervation From Osteoporosis.

Many people may be familiar or often hear that Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly, but may not have thought that osteoporosis is the beginning of many other diseases, especially the elderly who have slipped or fallen, which may result in the collapse of the

Avoid risk Factors that trigger migraine headaches.

More than half of migraine sufferers can clearly identify their trigger factors , so migraine headaches triggers should not be overlooked. Migraines are not just a headache, they are also a neurological condition that often causes headaches. Migraine headaches can be throbbing or pulsating, and